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Active School Flag Committee
Congratulations to our newly elected committee.
Tara Ward, Keelan Ward, Mary McDermottroe, Joseph Morahan, Alex Smith, Jessica Gray, Dylan Moran, Rebecca Smith
Active School Week
Active School Week runs from 24th- 28th April. Please see the weekly timetable below.
Monday: Active Stations and GAA coaches.
Tuesday: Súgrú le chéile
Wednesday: Archery
Thursday: Visit from St. Cecilia's Special School.
Friday: Jersey Day and Walk.
Please see below for some of the activities done during ASW at school and at home.
This year, our Active School Week will take place from 21st -25th May. Stay tuned for our timetable which is coming soon.
Physical Education
SuperValu Athletics Fest 2017
Well done to all the boys and girls from 3rd- 6th Class for taking part in the rearranged Athletics Fest on Tuesday 26th September. Thankfully it stayed dry for the day and all the children did themselves and the school proud. A special mention should be given to the Mixed Junior Relay Team who made the final.
Athletics Fest 2016
On Friday 23rd September we traveled to Sligo I.T. to take part in the annual Super Valu Athletics Fest. This year 42 schools with over 1,100 pupils took part. The children took part in relays over 100m and 200m. While we didnt win any medals, all the pupils enjoyed participating in the event. Well done to everyone!
Irish Heart Foundation.
As part of our application for the renewal of our Active School Flag, we have taken part in a couple of initiatives ran by the Irish Heart Foundation. The pupil have had the Pocket Planner for a couple of weeks now. Each day they record how much physical activity they do with the aim being one hour. They are also given tasks to do. This runs for four weeks, at the end of which they receive a certificate. The second initiative is called Busy Breaks. This is used when it is too wet for the children to go outside at break or lunch times. Keep up the good work everybody!!!
Physical Activity
10 @ 10.
Well done to everybody from Junior Infants to Sixth Class for taking part in O.T's 10 @ 10. This took place on the 10th February at 10:00 and schools all over the country were getting active for ten minutes
Active Stations.
This in a 15 minute activity that the pupils set up themselves. They move to different stations and skills practiced include kicking, throwing, catching, hula hoops and skipping.