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Fáilte isteach chuig ár scoil. Welcome to our school
Sean Nós dancing with Bróga Bríomhar Dance School.
All pupils have been taking part in a four lesson workshop on Sean Nós dancing with Eimear Mulvey and the Bróga Bríomhar Dance School. They have learned all about the history of Sean Nós dancincing as well as a number of steps. They even progressed to dancing on a low and high barrel. Well done to all. Have a look at some of the pictures below.
The Wild Kind- Wilderness Education.
On Tuesday , 28th September, the whole school travelled to Lough Key Forest Park, to take part in a day of Wilderness Education. We had a brilliant day, learned a lot and had fun along the way. Have a look at the pictures below to get a taste. These pictures have appeared in national and local newspapers over the last week.
David Walliams
As part of the 'Inspiring Ireland, Inspiring Students' initiative, we welcomed author, comedian, and judge of Britain's Got Talent,, David Walliams, virtually to St. Joseph's N.S.
HE gave the pupils some tips about writing stories, future career paths and looking after our mental health. We all thoroughly enjoyed it!
Say Cheese!!
The pupils in the Senior Classroom started a Photography Workshop with Brian Farrell last week. He is teaching them what to look out for when taking photos and has given them all a project to do t home. Brian will come in a further two more times before our mid-term break and again before Christmas.
Inspiring Ireland, inspiring students
As part of the 'Inspiring Ireland, Inspiring Students' initiative, we welcome An Taoiseach, Micheál Martin into our school this week. It was very interesting to hear about his childhood and he also gave some great advise-'Do what you love and enjoy your life'!
Next week we will have David Walliams entertaining us as part of this programme!
Fáilte ar ais!
Welcome back to all the boys and girls to S. Joseph's N.S. Hopefully this year we will be getting closer to normal. We have lots of fun activities and trips planned for this year! Stay tuned for more information.
Junior Class Flower Planting
The Junior Class have been spending time working on their green fingers! Here are some pictures of them at work. I will post updates on how the flowers are doing in the coming weeks.
What is Aistear?
Aistear is the early childhood curriculum framework for children from birth up to the age of six years. Early childhood marks the beginning of children’s lifelong learning journeys. Irelands early childhood curriculum framework is called Aistear (Irish word for journey).
Aistear provides information to assist practitioners, including infant teachers and Early Start teachers, in planning and providing enjoyable and appropriately challenging learning experiences that afford children the opportunity to grow and develop as competent and confident learners within loving relationships with others.
Aistear outlines the types of learning that are important for children during early childhood and provides practical ideas and suggestions as to how this learning may be nurtured. The Curriculum framework also provides guidelines on supporting children’s learning through play, interactions, assessment and partnerships with parents.
Have a look at the picture below to see the pupils in the Junior Room taking part in the Aistear programme.
What are the chances?
The Senior Class were learning about 'Chance' as part of Maths. As well as learning form the books, we played games and did investigations. Well done to Charlie Harte, who was our Pig champion. Pig is a game played with dice that involves, counting, chance and tactics. See some pictures below.
World Book Day- 4th March
The Junior Classroom celebrated World Book Day by dressing u as their favourite character from a book. They also brought in a copy of this book to read in school. We had a unicorn, Wally, a billionaire boy, a sorting hat, Belle and everything in between. Well done to all the children (and parents!) for making such an effort.
Scheduled phased reopening of schools.
The Government have proposed a gradual reopening of schools. This will begin with our Junior Classroom returning on March 1st. It is proposed that 3rd-6th Class will return on Monday, March 15th but this will be clarified at a later date.
A huge thank you to all the children and parents for taking part so diligently in our enforced remote learning. Hopefully we will all be back in the classroom shortly!!
Nollaig Shona Daoibh!
T'was the Night Before Christmas....
Happy Christmas everybody! Please click on the link below to watch the video of the pupils reading 'Twas the night before Christmas.
Dancing with the Stars.
The Junior Classes have been learning some Line Dancing. Check out these moves!!!
Happy Halloween!!
We had a very spooky collection of witches, monsters, zombies, super heroes, super villains, animals and a dentist in St. Joseph's today. I hope you all have a very restful and safe mid term break. Enjoy!
Arrangements for mass under current restrictions.
As you will be aware, gatherings have been restricted due to Government guidelines. In line with this, mass, in the traditional sense, has been stopped. Fr. Cullen has asked me to inform you that mass from Geevagh will be broadcast every Sunday at 10.00am. This can be viewed on or on Youtube.
Maths Week- 'Pig Tournament'
Maths week is taking place in St. Joseph's N.S. This gives the pupils the oppertunity to do Maths from 'outside the Maths book'. They play games, do puzzles, make machines, design things and go on Maths trails. Here are some pictures from the week.
Space Week 5th- 9th October.
During Space Week, the pupils in the Senior Classroom learned about the planet Mars. They did a lot of research about the planet and completed tasks on Seesaw and Kahoot. Ms. Brennan made a rocket and experimented with the 'Rocket Fuel'. Have a look at the slow motion video below.
Autumnal Art
Pupils from the Junior and the Senior Classrooms have been doing some Autumnal Art. They have used painting and printing techniques. Have a look at some of the masterpieces below.
Leavers 2020
On Friday 25th September, we welcomed the new First Years back to St. Joseph's N.S. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 restrictions we could not have a 'BIG' party. Instead, we invited the pupils and their families along for a socially distant gathering. The pupils in the Senior Room read a poem that they had wrote for the leavers of 2020 and an ice cream van arrived! Thanks to all the past pupils and their parents for coming along. Also, a big thank you to the PA for organising the balloons and paying for the ice creams.
SuperValu Athletic Fest.
This year, the annual Athletics Fest had to be reimagined. Instead of hundreds of children converging on the I.T,, Sligo Sport and Recreation Partnership coaches visited the individual schools and timed the events. It was our turn last Thursday. Due to some illness we had to change some events. We had a Junior Girls Relay, a mixed Senior Relay, a Senior Boys 200m and a Senior Girls 200m. We are awaiting the results but all pupils really enjoyed themselves and it was great to see them being active! See some pictures of the action below.
At a recent Board of Management meeting a number of policies were ratified. These include 'The Child Safeguarding Statement', 'Anti-Bullying Policy', 'The Code of Behaviour' and the Covid-19 Response Plan'. These along with other policies can be found in the 'Parents' section along the toolbar.
Fáilte ar ais
The Board of Management would like to extend a warm welcome to all pupils returning to St. Joseph's N.S. I am glad to say that all pupils have settled in well and that all our new procedures are becoming good habits now. I would like to extend a particularly warm welcome to our new Junior Infants- we hope you will be very happy and learn lots of new things in school.
New procedures.
Dear parents/ guardians,
Please watch the short videos below see what some of the new procedures in school will look like for the pupils. I am aware that I have not included one for hand sanitising but we will go through this with the children on the first day.
Junior Entrepreneur Programme- 'Frame Your Family' Launch Day
The Senior Clssroom have been working very hard over the past few months on this project and finally the product is ready for sale! We will be holding our 'Launch Day' on Wednesday 11th March at 1.00pm. Why not come along. See you there!
Folk Dance
As part of PE, the Senior Classroom have been doing Folk Dance. The first dance they performed was 'The Peasant Dance' which is a traditional Bavarian dance. After initial skepticism, they all took an active part in the lesson and had a lot of fun! We will continue to do Folk Dance for the rest of the month and I look forward to seeing some more great moves next week!
Keeping Safe.
In the last week, we have had two visitors telling us how to stay safe. firstly we had a visit from an Agri Aware representative. She spoke to the children about the dangers, both hidden and visible on a farm. Following this, we had a visit from Garda Grainne Tooln, From Ballymote Garda Station. She spoke to the children about bike safety, the importance of seat belts and let the boys and girls see some of the equipment that the Gardai use.
Both visits were very worth while and I feel that all the children are a little bit more aware of how to keep themselves safe!
Art project- John Behan.
Pupils have been looking at the work of John Behan- a famous Irish artist. He is well known for his sculptures about Irish History and The Famine in particular. Pupils researched his work and made their own sculptures. They used clay to make a famine ship and pipe cleaners to make Queen Maeve.
Junior Entrepreneur Programme
Pupils from the Senior Class have started the Junior Entrepreneur Programme. They have been looking at their strengths and interests and have brainstormed some possible ideas. In the coming weeks they will decide on a 'Big Idea', have a visit from an Entrepreeur and pitch their ideas to the 'Dragons'. We will be holding a launch day before the Easter holidays which everyone will be invited to. See you then.
Emma Taylor on Today FM.
Well done to Emma Taylor who featured on 'The Little Reader's Bookclub' on Today Fm. She will receive a book bundle in the near future as a prize and we look forward to hearing all about it. Have a listen, I think you will all agree, she did a fantastic job!
Nollaig Shona Daoibh!
It's a Party!!
All pupils took part in our Nativity 'It's a Party'. They prepared very well and had lines and nine songs to learn. It was a huge success and all the pupils enjoyed themselves. The Student Council decided to have a voluntary donation for the Paediatric Ward in Sligo University Hospital. In total, they raised €212.70 for this very worthy cause. Well done!
Whole school trip to The Hawkswell.
On Tuesday 19th November, the whole school visited The Hawkswell Theatre to see 'The Science Show'. The scientist/comedian/actor had the pupils entralled in his act. It certainly proves that science is not boring! A big thank you to the Parents Association for paying for the tickets.
Mini 7's.
Well done to all pupils from 2nd Class-6th Class who took part recently in the Mini 7's tournament in Geevagh. On a very cold November morning both the boy's and girl's teams took to the field with great bravery. I explained to the pupils afterwards that I was immensely proud of all of them because they battled through every game and never gave up.
A big congratulations to Alex Smith and Ruth Killoran who won the place kicking competition on the day and have progressed to the finals. We wish them every success!
Well done Aaron!
Aaron took part in a Show Jumping competition at the end of October in Cavan. He won two first places. Giddy up, Aaron!
Happy Halloween
Maths Week 2019
Maths week took place from 13th- 20th October. During this week, we leave our maths books in our bags and work on 'real life maths', puzzles, maths in our environment, games and maths trails. The children always enjoy this week and this year proved no different. Have a look at some of the pictures from Maths Week below.
Norman shields
In the Senior Room we have been learning bout the Normans in History. Following this theme, the pupils made their own Norman shields. We had some very colourful and original ideas. See the pictures below
Supervalu Athletics Fest.
Well done to all the boys and girls, from 2nd Class to 6th Class who recently took part in 'the SuperValu Athletics Fest, in Sligo IT. All pupils took part in a 4 x 100m relay race. Even though it was a wet day it certainly didnt dampen spirits. The children all enjoyed their day which included a stop at the shop on the way home!
Drama and Izak9
The pupils in the senior room have been creating a drama called 'The Grumpy Old Man.' They can been seen in the pictures drawing a map of the garden with lots of horrible things in it.
They have also enjoyed using Izak9. This is a programme which is new to the school and helps them with different aspects of Maths. Well done boys and girls.
Student Council.
Congratulations to Kylie, Oisín Aaron and Ruth on being elected to the Student Council. I know they will do a great job and represent the pupils well.
Table top games.
The pupils have been enjoying the sunshine and playing with our new table top games. We have draughts, snakes and ladders and four in a row.
Junior Art work.
The Junior Classroom have enjoyed doing some art activities. Have a look at these pictures.
Welcome Junior Infants!
A very warm welcome to our new Junior Infants. They have all settled in really well and are enjoying school. A big welcome also to Ms. O'Hara who is teaching the Junior Classroom.We hope you will all be very happy at St. Joseph's N.S.
Welcome to the Academic year 2019/2020
Farewell Ms. McLoughlin!
As I am sue you are aware, Ms. McLoughlin has decided to retire at the end of the year. She has worked at St. Joseph's N.S. for 34 years. We will be very sad to see her leave but I am sure she will enjoy her retirement. We wish you many years of health and happiness in the future!
Happy holidays!
On behalf of the staff and Board of Management of St. Joseph's N.S., I hope you all have a very enjoyble holiday. We wish every success to our 6th Class pupils who are moving on to pastures new! Eamonn, James, Andrew, Emily, Ellie and Jessica- I know you will do us proud. Below please find a copy of our newsletter and our booklists.
Sharp shooter Seán!
Seán represented the school at the Connaught Football final on Sunday 16th June. He togged out for the Roscommon team and scored three goals in an exhibition game before the Senior Final. Well done, Seán!
Well done, Leah!
Congratulations to Leah who recently won a Gold medal in the 60 meter sprint. She was representing Sligo in the Connaught U9 finals. Well done! We are all very proud of you!
Cumann na mBunscol
Well done to the boys and girls from the Senior Classroom who took part in our Cumann na mBunscol blitz on Friday 17th May. The girls won one game and lost the other. The boys won both of their games in the group but were unfortunately beaten in the Semi Final. Well done to all. I am very proud of both teams!
First Holy Communion.
Good luck to all the pupils who make their First Holy Communion on Saturday 11th May. A big thank you to Ms. McLoughlin for preparing the pupils so thoroughly. Enjoy your day.
Alice in Wonderland
On Friday 10th May all the pupils travelled to Roscommon to see the Youth Theatre's production of Alice in Wonderland. It was directed by Catherine Simon who has visited the school before to work with the children. We all thoroughly enjoyed it.
Youth Sport West.
This term, all pupils have been taking part in Youth Sport West run programmes. It was a combination of 'Bootcamp' and 'Disco Fun'. A big thank you to Daithí who delivered the programme. The pupils really enjoyed it! Have a look at some pictures of the activities below.
First Confession.
Good luck to all pupils who make their First Confession on Tuesday 26th March. Also a big thank you to Ms. McLoughlin for preparing the pupils so thoroughly for the sacrament.
Lego WeDo 2.0
The school has invested in Lego WeDo packs which have arrived this week. The pupils have already had a lot of fun building and coding robots, windmills and snails. Lego WeDo falls into the Maths and Science curriculum (STEM) and some of the skills they learn using this will help budding engineers and scientists in the future!
Congratulations to all the pupils who made their Confirmation.
Confirmation 2019
Good luck to the nine pupils who are making their Confirmation. We all hope you enjoy your day.
Community Games
Well done to all the pupils who won medals for Community Games Art. See the picture below of the winners. (Missing from photo is James Lavin)
Spar 5-a-side.
Well done to the girls from the Senior Class who took part in the Spar 5-a-side soccer tournament. It was held in the Showgrounds on 6th March.
Spring has sprung!
The whole school got together to create some lovely 'Spring Flowers'. The pupils used colours to great effect and we are very pleased with the finished articles.
Happy Feet
A big thanks to Tara who brought in her impressive trophy and medal haul. She has won all of these for Irish Dancing and assured me there are more at home! Well done, Tara. Keep it up!
Industrial Revolution Junk Art
The pupils in the Senior Class used recycled material to make their own Industrial Revolution machines. They really enjoyed it and cam up with some great ideas.
Jessica and Oisín recently visited Vietnam for a wedding. They brought in the clothes that they wore to show everbody. They also brought in some delicious sweets. Thanks guys!!!!
Seán is magic!
Thanks to Seán who brought a bit of magic to Kilmac with his tricks during our weekly assembly!
Happy New Year
HSE courses and publications.
I would like to draw parents attention to the 'Triple P- Positive Parenting Courses' that are taking place in Carrick-on-Shannon in January and Ballymote and Markievicz House in February and March. For moreinformation or to book a course please contact or
Also, I received a resource called 'Talking to your young child about relationships, sexualty and growing up. This is available to be downloaded from I also have a copy at school if any parent would like to borrow it.
Christmas Art.
The whole school got together to make some lolly pop Christmas decorations. The pupils produced some fantastic pieces and came up with some very imaginative creations.
Fred the Party Professor
Fred visited the school on 22nd November. His show was a mixture of comedy, magic and music. The pupils and the staff really enjoyed it. Fred has appeared on TV over 40 times and has won awards worldwide for his show.
October highlights
Have a look at the pictures below of some of the fun things we got up to in October. These include our 'Pig' tournament during Maths Week and children having fun in the adventure playground!
Harvest Mass
On Tuesday 23rd October, Harvest Mass was held in St. Brigid's Church in Highwood. We were delighted to welcome Bishop Doran and Bishop Agapitus to the parish. All the children were absolutely brilliant and I wish to thank them all for their involvement. The readers, servers and singers were all fantastic. It is great that the school has been recognised for all the work done in gaining five Green Schools Flags! Comhghairdeas go leir!
For the last few weeks, the Senior Class have been doing Gymnastics in P.E. They have made sequences involving, movement, shapes, twists, rolls and balances. They have also practiced hand stands. They used the adventure playground to great effect for their work. Here are some pictures of them practicing their skills.
Musical assembly
Well done to Leah and Kylie who brought in their tin whistles for assembly. They are currently attending lessons and their hard work is really paying off. Maith sibh!
Space Week
Space Week took place from Thursday 4th- Wednesday 10th October. The idea of this is that children can explore STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) while learning about the planets and our galaxy. As part of this, we watched a slide show all about the planets during assembly and the pupils answered some questions about gravity, the seasons, the sun etc. The Senior Class also conducted an experiment in which they learned about the size of the moon in comparison to the Earth and it's distance from us. It's fair to say that some people were very shocked and everybody learned something.
Cormac and Joshua are famous!
Our Junior Infants are famous! Our newest celebrities made the Roscommon Herald! Well done, boys. I will be looking for your autographs soon.
Sporting achievements.
Last week, Seán brought in the trophy that the U12 Gaelic Football team won in June. Also involved in the team were Eamonn and James. Well done, boys. I look forward to hearing of more success in the future.
Also, pupils from St. Joseph's had great success at a Féis in Sligo. In the Junior Class, Emma, Tara, Juliette and Kylie took part. From the Senior Class, Rachel, Jessica and Ellie took part. Between them they won countless medals and trophies. Thanks to Emma and Juliette for bringing in their personal haul. Well done, girls.
Athletics Fest 2018
On Thursday 20th September, pupils from 3rd- 6th took part in the annual Super Valu Athletics Fest in Sligo IT. Over 1000 boys and girls took part in the event. We entered teams in the Junior Mixed, Senior Girls, Senior boys relays and the Senior Boys/Girls individual 200m. Everyone had a great day. All of our athletes narrowly missed out in the heats. Well done to everybody! See some pics below.
Well done Leah!
Congratulations to Leah who took part in the All Ireland Community Games Finals, representing Sligo, in Limerick during the summer holidays. We are very proud of the fact that she qualified- but better still, she won a bronze medal. What an achievement. Maybe we have a future Olympian in our midst!!!
Drama- The New Boy
The Senior Class pupils used the poem 'The New Boy', by John Walsh, as an inspiration to create a short drama. They had great fun and created some super pieces of work. Well done.
Welcome back!
Welcome back to all pupils, parents, families and friends of St. Joseph's. I hope you all had a great summer and are feeling refreshed and ready to go! I would like to welcome our new pupils in particular- Joshua Smith, Cormac Ward and Andrew Callaghan. We hope you will be very happy here.
Keep an eye on our website for news and upcoming events!
Rossie Ruth!
Well done to Ruth who played in an exhibition game at half time in the Connaught Final. Not only did she get to tog out in the Roscommon colours, but she also scored a point! We hope you enjoyed your day!
Shannon Adventure Centre
On Tuesday, 20th June all pupils from Junior Infants went on our school tour. Our first stop was Shannon Adventure Centre, Roosky, where the pupils enjoyed archery, rock climbing, an obstacle course and a four way tug o' war. On our way back we called into the Famine Museum in Carrick -on-Shannon. Here the pupils heard about what life was like in the workhouse. They were shocked to learn that the 'inmates only got one meal every three days! All pupils were very well behaved and enjoyed their day. A big thank you to the Parents Association who subsidized the trip. See the pictures from the day below.
Father's Day Art
On Friday 15th June, all pupils gathered in the Senior Classroom to make Father's Day cards. It was lovely to see all pupils helping each other and the resulting work was excellent! I hope all the fathers enjoyed their day!
Well done Aaron!
Congratulations to Aaron Murphy who recently took part in the Edgeworthstown Pony Show. Keep up the good work!
Sports Day.
Well done to all pupils who took part in our Sports Day on Monday 11th June. A big thank you to the Parents Association for paying for the ice-cream van. We had a special guest join us on the day- Caradh O'Donovan, Irish kickboxing and karate champion. Her story of over coming adversity was a real inspiration and an example of what can be achieved with hard work and determination. See the gallery below for a flavour of the day
Well done girls!
Congratulations to the girls on reaching the Cumann na mBunscol final. The girls all played very well but unfortunately they came up against a very strong side. A big thank you to all the supporters and Therese Killoran for helping out on the day. Have a look at the pictures below.
Junior Einsteins
Caoimhe from Junior Einsteins gave a workshop on May 14th. She demonstrated static electricity, the movement of air, the effect of heat and even created a geyser outside! We thoroughly enjoyed all the experiments! A few budding young scientists have been inspired to try out their own investigations at home, following the workshop!
Cumann na mBunscol
On Friday 4th May, the boy's and girls teams went to Scarden to play in our Cumann na mBunscol blitz. Both teams faced some tough opposition from Keash, Mullaghroe and Cloonloo. The boys played some great football, but unfortunately failed to qualify for the finals . However, the girls played some great football and qualified for the final which will be played on Saturday 26th May in Markievicz Park. Good luck girls!!!
Kilmac's got talent!
A big thank you to Charlie for showing us his talent during assembly. He played two songs on his mandolin. Charlie told us that he prctices 'most days' and he really enjoys playing music. It is not easy to play and instrument/ show your talent to your peers but we are so glad that Charlie was brave enough to do it!
Spring Flowers
The bulbs we planted last autumn have yielded a blaze of colourful and fragrant crocus, hyacinth, tulip and daffodil flowers in our raised garden to the rear of the school.
We also love the pretty little primroses adorning the ditch opposite the school wall. Yes, Spring has truly arrived!
Great News!
Our hard work from the last two years has paid off; following assessment from Lisa Mc Daniels last November, An Taisce have informed us that we are to receive our fifth Green Flag for Biodiversity at an awards ceremony in Claremorris in May. Well done to all concerned!
Making hay while the sun shines!
A big 'míle buiochas' to all the pupils that helped us sow grass seed around the playground. The old saying ''many hands make light work' proved to be the case. Hopefully, we will see the fruits of our labour in the near future.
Congratulations to our four Confirmation candidates who received the sacrament of Friday 13th April. Unfortunately, the sun didn't shine but that certainly didn't take away from what was a very special day!
Spar 5-a-side Soccer Tournament
On Tuesday, 10th April, the boys travelled to the Showgrounds, Sligo, to take part in the Spar 5-a-side soccer tournament. In total the boys played three matches. The first game proved to be our best performance, with Eamonn Devine scoring directly from kick off. Eamonn rounded off his hat-trick with two left footed goals and James Lavin added another. The end result was a 4-2 victory.
Our next two matches were against really strong opposition. We lost both of these matches but the boys put in a terrific amount of work and played right up until the final whistle.
It was a great day and all boys, from 3rd- 6th had a role to play in our team! Well done, Charlie, Joseph, Aaron, Alex, Seán, Eamonn, James, Oliver, Dylan, Ben and Cathal!
Private Peaceful
The Senior Class went on their annual theatre trip on Friday 9th March. We visited the Hawkswell Theatre and saw a stage adaptation of Michael Murpergo's 'Private Peaceful'. Interestingly, it was performed as a monologue which ran for over an hour and a half without a break! The acting,staging, use of lights and sound were amazing.
National Museum
Fifth and Sixth Class pupils from St. Joseph's N.S joined up with pupils from Geevagh on a trip to the National Museum. While there we saw 'The Taking of Christ' by Caravaggio and 'Mass in a Connemara Cabin' by Aloysius O'Kelly. A big thank you to Fr. Cullen, who organised the tour and to the parish, who paid for the train. The pupils behaviour was exemplary and they really took a lot form the trip. Well done to all.
Snow much fun!
While I appreciate that the snow has been a major inconvenience to us- buses cancelled, treacherous road conditions and extra work on the farm, the boys and girls have been making the most of it. Aswell as snowball fights, the pupils have worked together to make a snowman and even an igloo. Check out the pictures below to get a taste of the fun!
The Board of Management, Staff and pupils of St. Joseph's N.S would like to extend a warm welcome to the Murphy family, who are the newest members of our school community. Aaron and Benedict are both settling in well and have made lots of friends.
New Adventure Playground!
Our new Adventure Playground has opened! All the children have been enjoying themselves playing in it. This playground will help develop their strength, agility and balance. A big 'Míle buíochas' to the Board of Management for agreeing to this fantastic facility.
Baboushka learns her lesson.
On Wednesday 20th December all the pupils from Junior Infants- 6th Class took place in the traditional Russian tale of the Nativity, Baboushka. Baboushka changes her ways to become a more caring, understanding and less stubborn lady. All the pupils really enjoyed it, as did the audience, the teachers and the guest of honour, Micky Boland. The night doubled up as a retirement party for Micky. A huge thank you to everyone who helped out! Nollaig shona díobh!
Dates for your diary
The school's production of Baboushka, is taking place on Wednesday 20th December, at 18.30, in the school. We look forward to seeing you there!
School closes for the Christmas Holidays at 12.00 on Friday 22nd December.
School reopens on Monday 8th January 2018!
I would like to take this oppertunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Ross Cochrane, visiting artist.
The pupils have really enjoyed having Ros visit usver the last six weeks. They enjoyed activities which included, print making, clay, paint and still life. We hope to have Ross back in the future!
Maths Week 2017.
All the children took part in Maths Week which ran from 16th - 20th October. Unfortunately, due to storm Opheila, our plans/ activities were cut short. We did manage to squeeze in a board game morning and a ' Maths in our Environment' walk. This also doubled up as a Green Schools/ Science/ Physical Education/ Nature Walk.
Cumann na mBunscol- Mini 7's
Well done to the boys team who took part in the Mini &'s tournament in Geevagh this week. The boys played really well but unfortunately came up against some very good opposition. Everybody enjoyed themselves and showed good sportsmanship! Good luck to Ardkeeran who progressed to the next round.
SuperValu Athletics Fest
Well done to all the boys and girls from 3rd- 6th Class for taking part in the rearranged Athletics Fest on Tuesday 26th September. Thankfully it stayed dry for the day and all the children did themselves and the school proud. A special mention should be given to the Mixed Junior Relay Team who made the final.
Buddy Bench
A big 'go raibh maith agat' to Fr. Cullen and The Men's Shed for organising and manufacturing of the 'Buddy Bench'. It was delivered to the school last week and adds some lovely colour to our school. Inscribed on the bench is 'Be a buddy, not a bully'. Have a look at the pictures below or pop on to see it!
Welcome back!
A very warm welcome back to school to all the pupils and parents of St. Joseph's N.S. I hope you all had a lovely holiday and are refreshed and ready for the year ahead. I would like to especially welcome Emma Taylor and Arianna Aylward to the Junior Infants Class. Having spoken with Ms. McLoughlin and the girls themselves, it is clear that they have settled in very quickly!